Dragon*Con Schedule

by Paul Fischer

My Dragon*Con Schedule Friday 08:30 PM Lancelot Biggs: Spaceman! From the book written by Nelson Bond and adapted by Mur Laffery Full Cast of Spaceman Paul Fischer, Martha Holloway, Stephen Eley, Tee Morris, Rich Sigfrit, Jason Adams, Jim Van Verth, Mur Lafferty, and Patrick McLean Saturday 10:00 AM Podcasting 201: Technical Foundations of Podcasting Have […]

Too Weird for Sci-Fi

by Paul Fischer

Saw a great panel at WorldCon on stuff too weird for Sci-Fi. If I wrote this in a story no one would believe it. Saturday night I’m covering the Hugo Award Nominees Party (a.k.a. The Hugo Losers Party) when I almost make an ass out of myself. I blew my introduction to David Brin but […]