Twitter Updates for 2008-12-08
by Paul Fischer- Allow me to say again, “Insomnia sucks.” I need exercise. #
- @SFEley Did you have time to look at that C.S. story I sent you? #
- @TeeMonster Have you made any plans for a Tweet-Up with Megan Podcast Junkie? #
- @TeeMonster I need it to be earlier if I’m going to make it. I go to bed at 8pm and I have to be home by 5pm to take D. Bonbon #
- @TeeMonster I’d be happy to host if you can make it happen near me. I was assuming closer to Manassas. #
- @TeeMonster I may also try to setup a lunch Tweet-Up in the Dulles Corridor. This way they can come before/after hitting Air&Space Annex #
- @PhilRossi I personally find Ning very confusing and hard to use. #
- @PhilRossi But then I’m getting old. #
- @evo_terra Hey! Why isn’t Serve It Cold on this list? #
- @evo_terra I figured it out. #
- RT: NoVa/DC/MD Twitters: Interested in a Tuesday Night Meetup in the McLean/Tysons Corner area? Contact @TeeMonster #
- NoVa Twitters: Interested in a Wednesday Lunch Meetup in the Chantilly area? #
- @Chelly527 Life is good over here. I could just use more sleep. #
- @lauraoatning I’m not really sure. I’ve only used your site a little, but I found it very hard to locate conversations. #
- @lauraoatning Maybe an IM conversation would be better, but my observations relate to the design of the site. #
- @TeeMonster Almost over. Only 487,362 weeks left of 2008 for you. 😉 #
- @Kamikat Can you make it out to the Dulles area for the afternoon tweetup? #
- @Chelly527 It depends. My Twitter client pukes if I follow too many people. Otherwise I’d follow everyone who follows me. #
- @Aylinn I don’t think they’re quite advanced enough for someone of her obvious intelligence. 🙂 #
- Esacped the office of ice. Large Pho will restore hit points. Spring rolls FTW. #
- Ph #
- Gallon of Pho restores me from ice dammage. Safely moved flag to lab. Nice warm lab. Warmth sweet warmth #
- Does anyone have a working email address for The Vicar? Please DM me. #
- @Geistbear GRD emails are bouncing for me. #
- @Geistbear Thanks. Hopefully that will work. #
- @HeatherWelliver Can you leave some catnip in the house in case i have insomnia again? #
- @Nobilis It’s turning into that kind of day for me. Can’t read. Can’t sleep. #
- @HeatherWelliver It’s a stim when they sniff. It’s a downer when they eat it. It’s 2 drugs in one #
- @HeatherWelliver Sweet. That means some good sleepy tea for tonight. Must sleep through night. #
- @HeatherWelliver Do we need any groceries? I’m stopping at Yuppie Mart on the way home. #
- @fancyfembot Crazy people with nothing else to do. Like my father. #
- @christianaellis If we put Luna and Darth Bonbon in the same room the world would explode from The Cute going critical. #
- @MistressJett Put them both in a small room, like a powder room, and leave them there for 24 hours. They’ll sort it out. #
- @HeatherWelliver Just responded to your DM. #
- @HeatherWelliver Didn’t sleep well last night. Stopped thinking about 20 minutes ago. We’ll live. #
- @MistressJett A friend had 2 cats that fought. She locked them in the powder room for the weekend while she was out. That was the end of it #
- My touch upon the network has calmed the packets. All is stable and I’m heading for home via Yuppie Mart. #
- Home. Balancing the vents for @HeatherWelliver and Darth Bonbon #
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