Twitter Updates for 2008-12-18
by Paul Fischer- @HeatherWelliver I think you’re growing a head banger in there. Tell him I said, “Stop it. You’re weirding Mom out.” #
- Cold. Hungry. Recovering from yesterday. In awe of my friends. Hoping @HeatherWelliver & @Grailwolf are completely OK. #
- @trikegirl Get a picture of it. #
- @newmediajim I had a weird early AM day dream that Williard Scott should sing “Bringing Sexy Back”. #
- @trikegirl It’s just that I always wondered what a sparkling clean kitchen looked like. I can’t seem to remember that far back. 🙂 #
- Arrived at work. Stopped at Wendy’s for lunch. Found a BBQ holiday lunch in progress. Food Fail! #
- There’s no pie, like free pie. #
- @MistressJett He can still buy you gift cards to your favorite shopping haunts. #
- @TeeMonster She will punish you for revealing the location of Teh Sekret Layr of Darth Bonbon Teh Cute of Teh Sith. #
- @choochus Oooo! Oooo! I think I know right where you are. They have no sense of humor. #
- @choochus You look sort of terrierist-ish to me. Maybe they got confused. #
- @TeeMonster Be afraid. She’s discovered chest hair. #
- @TSDivaDani CostCo ain’t nuthin. Try living next to a gigantic mall during xmas. #
- @TeeMonster – Darth Bonbon has another minion to serve her. Dance, Monkey, Dance! #
- @clm122704 They should give birth on Lake Powell #
- @TeeMonster Make sure she has a key so she can get back in. #
- Gack! I am so tired. I hate, absolutely despise, windows based test equipment. Die Ixia, die painfully! #
- Why exactly do I need anti-virus for my network tester? Because it runs fscking windows. Arrrrrrr! #
- @TeeMonster How about baby Galactic Overlord? #
- Listening to some pirated music. Pretty good stuff. Ordering it from Amazon. #
- reboot 9 #
- Comeback line hours too late… @TeeMonster don’t make me buy Sonic Boom a drum set for xmas. #
- @mightymur Hey, Darth Bonbon can’t even use her hands yet. I still have some time for threats like that. #
- 3 anti-acids vs. Ixia software install. Should calm my stomach until I get home. #
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