Twitter Updates for 2009-05-20
by Paul Fischer- Putting down Balticon planning to snuggle with wife and baby. #
- New Vid on Qik # - @BBluesman nope. Just a pike of fischers on the couch catching up on the daily show #
- @evo_terra pls tell Sheila she has email from me #
- @BEHRINGERrocks Upgrade My #Podcast Giveaway #
- RT @TSDivaDani: Behringer Podcast/Twitter Gear Giveaway #
- @danthefan can you flip the WP editor from visual to code, paste the embed text, & immediately save. #
- @danthefan the trick is to do the embed paste last and immediately save/publish #
- @PauletteJaxton did you try the paint store? #
- @PauletteJaxton M says try uniform stores or home improvement store #
- @Daughterpick just pulled the books for you. Will deliver at #Balticon #
- @TeeMonster pictures of hair? #
- @SFEley we’ll be there Thursday. We may be on bed by 10pm. Since baby we are teh feeb #
- @Chelly527 you’ve got mail. Pls respond. #
- Sleep. I haz zzzzzzzzzzzz #
- Heading to work. Hope you all have a good morning. #
- Listening to Rob Balder at work has problems. I laugh outloud and my coworkers think i’m retarded. #
- @Nobilis what is that? #
- @Nobilis @JeffreyHite OK. Still don’t know what it is. #
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