Twitter Updates for 2009-08-14
by Paul Fischer- @ljosalf almost has ERF down for the night. I'm exhausted and thinking the last 5 minutes of Man vs Wild can wait until morning. #
- New Vid on Qik #
- @BRKyle very much so in reply to BRKyle #
- @mwsmedia always rebut in reply to mwsmedia #
- @BRKyle guitar. Definitely loves guitar. in reply to BRKyle #
- My genius PHD sis-in-law reneg'd on babysitting tonight. No movie for @ljosalf and me #
- @mwsmedia But to leave them hearing no objection is to make them think they are correct. Some will listen. in reply to mwsmedia #
- @SVAllie It's OK. I was just commenting on how much of a ditz my PHD sis-in-law is. in reply to SVAllie #
- ERF abandoned with @ljosalf's family. SUCKERS! Harry Potter 6 starts now. #
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