by Paul Fischer
@PhilippaJane I don't know about doing NZ. Can we crash at your place? 🙂 in reply to PhilippaJane # @PhilippaJane AWESOME! Sleepover at Pip's! in reply to PhilippaJane # @PhilippaJane That's not a problem, so long as you drive on the same side of the road as us crazy yanks. in reply to PhilippaJane # […]
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Comments Off on Twitter Updates for 2009-09-10
by Paul Fischer
@cmdln Thanks for the persistent recommendation for Sita Sings the Blues. Really enjoying it. Joined the torrent to give some back. in reply to cmdln # @HeatherWelliver I hope @grailpup is feeling better and you enjoyed your visit with your Dad. in reply to HeatherWelliver # I was up at 5am to feed ERF. I […]
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Comments Off on Twitter Updates for 2009-09-09
by Paul Fischer
@ObiOrion Not a problem. What do you want to do? I'll help you with anything but a booty call. in reply to ObiOrion # @scubaninja Thanks. I'll need some brain bleach for that. in reply to scubaninja # @PhilippaJane Still thinking about coming to @Balticon ? in reply to PhilippaJane # @PhilippaJane Excellent. We'll make […]
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Comments Off on Twitter Updates for 2009-09-08
by Paul Fischer
ERF is asleep. @ljosalf and I are retiring early. It's been a long hard day of ERF Herding. # @PhilRossi I don't know if I mentioned it but Harvey has really been addictive to me. I'm loving it. in reply to PhilRossi # @VividMuse sounds like tentacular goodness to me. Anime tentacle porn? in reply […]
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Comments Off on Twitter Updates for 2009-09-07
by Paul Fischer
Congrats to @strangerthings for his 9,407th Parsec award. You rock the house dude! # @HellZiggy We think she's cuter every day. Today I think she looks like Morena Baccarin. in reply to HellZiggy # @aresef I would need 1200 mile long arms to grab it. But I know some trustworthy folks in the audience, If […]
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Comments Off on Twitter Updates for 2009-09-06
by Paul Fischer
I want you all to know that while you were enjoying Dragon*Con I was taking care of baby and laundry. Someone needs to take care of biz # @Daecabhir they're jealous of me. I got to do the laundry instead of getting drunk & stupid. in reply to Daecabhir # @PodcastJunky TCB Solidarity! in reply […]
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Comments Off on Twitter Updates for 2009-09-05
by Paul Fischer
A lovely night full of friends, babies, and beer has ended with a sleeping ERF. @ljosalf and I retire to read books on our iPhones. G'Night # Awakened to crying hungry baby at 3am. @ljosalf awakened at 4 to crying, gassy baby. Day not improving. Need to reroll saving throw # Sick Nanny means Daddy […]
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Comments Off on Twitter Updates for 2009-09-04
by Paul Fischer
@PauletteJaxton if you remember please send me balticon podcast release list we came up with in reply to PauletteJaxton # @evo_terra you kicked him out. Is that what made @njunwin lucky? in reply to evo_terra # RT @Cynical_Woman: Hubster bought Mountain Spring Tide detergent. Hate it. Makes all our clothes smell like they belong to […]
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Comments Off on Twitter Updates for 2009-09-03
by Paul Fischer
@cmdln You forgot the fanish inquisition. in reply to cmdln # Up late with Darth Bonbon. She must be growing. She refused dinner last night. Drank milk at 3 and 5am. @ljosalf is awesome & oh so tired. # @cmdln Surprise, fear, and little badges that say #dragoncon. These are our two, I mean three, […]
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Comments Off on Twitter Updates for 2009-09-02
by Paul Fischer
@scottsigler dude! That fsck'n awesome. Congrats on the Bud deal. But I still won't drink it. #givememicrobreworgivemedeath in reply to scottsigler # RT @newmediajim: If it weren't for those meddling kids and their dog, I would've gotten away with it! # Powered by Twitter Tools
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