Twitter Updates for 2009-10-24
by Paul Fischer- @Cmaaarrr Does that mean you can start collecting them all. I don't think @moonrangerlaura will let the one on the cover in the house. in reply to Cmaaarrr #
- My $25 coupon at Budget Rent-a-car just saved me $160 off my holiday rental. Coupon Overdrive FTW! #
- @VividMuse how are you feeling dear? in reply to VividMuse #
- Darth bonbon is almost down. 98% @ljosalf 2% me. #teamwork #
- @VividMuse You're welcome. I hope you're feeling better this morning. in reply to VividMuse #
- @PauletteJaxton Good morning. I'm off to heat up the griddle. Pancakes online in 10. in reply to PauletteJaxton #
- @PauletteJaxton Blaster cakes were awesome. Wish you could have been here. in reply to PauletteJaxton #
- @Daughterpick would you accept they keys to austrailia if he offered? in reply to Daughterpick #
- RT @Cmaaarrr: RT @JessieX: Cool: Nation’s First Open Source Election Software Released – (RT @technosailor) #
- Getting ready to get out the door to DFH. ERF needs a nap. Hopefully it will happen en route #
- Back home from excellent Tweetup. Sad we missed @teemonster. It was god to see Pip & PC again. #
- @dsawyer please tell me you're going to make sure the spoken audio is audible in my noisey car. I WANT Free Will. in reply to dsawyer #
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