Twitter Updates for 2009-10-30

by Paul Fischer
  • @HoboZero I got gold for @grailpup in reply to HoboZero #
  • ERF successfully dropped at daycare. In line with the addicts to get my sbux fix. Then fight traffic to work #
  • The new @starbucks reduced fat berry coffee cake has sour cream in it. Glad I only had a few bites before I tasted it. #MilkAllergyFail #
  • Delayed: choked up about having left ERF at sitter for first time. She didn't cry, but she was uncertain. I may cry now. Back to work. #
  • @ObiOrion milk in almost any form. I also can't do onions & peppers in reply to ObiOrion #
  • @onezumi I'll do that. Thanks in reply to onezumi #
  • RT @PhilRossi: Skip Starbucks today: Instead, have a Spur of the moment Crescent Kindle Chart rush happening NOW! #
  • @BRKyle yes! Please email in reply to BRKyle #
  • @ljosalf I'm on my way home soon. I'm sure everything is fine. Love you. Will probably take ERF for a walk around the bike trail. #
  • @ljosalf let me know if you need anything from Whole Foods. #
  • @ljosalf all is well, i'm sure. No calls. I was just getting choked up. in reply to ljosalf #
  • Home with a tired hungry ERF. Putting her down now. She had a great day at the sitter's. She's one happy baby. #
  • One of the simplest joys of my life is rocking my baby to sleep. #
  • RT @diggtop: Limbaugh Calls for NYT Environmental Writer to Kill Himself #
  • @VividMuse thanks. Turns out she had a great time. in reply to VividMuse #
  • @Kamikat poor monkies. Our love & quick recovery. May we she some of ERF's candy with them? #
  • RT @danthefan: WOW! Druken Ewoks lands @geekadelphia on #
  • UPS says my 2 day air shipping from NJ won't arrive until Monday! #DeliveryFAIL I'm hoping it's just a bad estimate. Baby costumes. Oy! #
  • @Baelen I will be getting red shirt teddy bears. I promise. Where do I get them? in reply to Baelen #
  • @Baelen Where do I get them? in reply to Baelen #
  • Where does one find a pair of red shirted Star Trek: TOS teddy bears? #
  • @HeatherWelliver The baby costumes are in Laurel and UPS may not deliver them tomorrow. Damn and blast! #
  • @ObiOrion Vermont TB only makes gold & blue shirts. No red. in reply to ObiOrion #

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