Twitter Updates for 2009-12-11
by Paul Fischer- ERF has a new game. Hide n squish. Can you find the missing banana piece without using your feet? Me neither. #
- @evo_terra there better be an #evfn when we visit. in reply to evo_terra #
- @ctumaven have a pint for me in reply to ctumaven #
- @StopBeck take all threats seriously. It's a crime. Call the cops or FBI and file a complaint. in reply to StopBeck #
- RT @HomeRecLibrary Record Labels Face 6 Billion Damages for Pirating Artists –I see hypocracy is alive and well #
- @neilhimself it's real. Men who stare at women's breasts do live longer. Let's all do something healthy today. in reply to neilhimself #
- FREE FREE FREE! Various Artists – iTunes Holiday Sampler – #iTunes #
- The dangers of crawling to bed with a crying baby. #GoodDad #DadFail #
- @Nobilis @choochus @TeeMonster I'm up for a later lunch. I have an 11am meeting in McLean. #
- @dsobkowiak Thanks for the #FF in reply to dsobkowiak #
- I rated a YouTube video (5 out of 5 stars) — Father goes into Baby Crib. #
- @EyeFiCard Any idea when your main website will be back up. It's down from Verizon FIOS on the east coast of the US. in reply to EyeFiCard #
- @Nobilis @choochus @TeeMonster 1pm works for me. Where? Does DFH work for anyone else? in reply to Nobilis #
- Corporate Paul action figure ready to battle The Man! #
- @planetx The Man, he is reeling from the sharpness. in reply to planetx #
- @jackmangan Corporate Paul used to come with a tiny Blackberry accessory, but Darth Bonbon swallowed it. in reply to jackmangan #
- @Gary_TheGreat No astronaut suit, but I do have a suit of armor. in reply to Gary_TheGreat #
- I love Friday lunches with @Nobilis @choochus @brkyle and @teemonster. It's such an awesome way to end the week. #
- @SVAllie sending you prezzies via @teemonster in reply to SVAllie #
- @VividMuse iTunes 9 is buggy. Wait. in reply to VividMuse #
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