Twitter Updates for 2010-04-23
by Paul Fischer- I favorited a YouTube video — First Tech Support Guy #
- RT @Daecabhir: First Tech Support Guy – he's way too patient, but the "user" is appropriately clueless #youtube #lmao #
- It's been a lovely evening here at Casa Bonbon. No baby-splosions of any kind. Hopefully that will continue tonight. #
- Received a broken box from @musicians_friend .Emailed support on their web page, uploaded pictures of box. Got amazing support. #SOLVED #FTW #
- Good morning my tweets. How is life treating you this fine morning? Rain washed some pollen away and air is cleaner here. #
- @Grailwolf @CWSeidman I don't know about best parents. But certainly top 3. 🙂 in reply to Grailwolf #
- @vividmuse @teemonster @nobilis @choochus I thinking about taking the day for mental health. Can you stop by before or after? in reply to vividmuse #
- @Nobilis i'm in the mood for some extra unwinding in reply to Nobilis #
- @Nobilis earlier or later? in reply to Nobilis #
- @Nobilis @teemonster @choochus DFH noon? in reply to Nobilis #
- @Nobilis Spinderfly = wicked sense of humor (or boring photographer) 🙂 in reply to Nobilis #
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