Twitter Updates for 2010-10-17
by Paul Fischer- @choochus bad link on the buy 1 get 2 free info. At least from iphone in reply to choochus #
- Entropy is my bitch. I imposed order on my universe. Both my girls are napping. #
- Awesome! RT @PatrickEMcLean First official word, new novel/podcast Unkillable goes live Oct 31st. Feel free to listen in costume! #
- At Sweet Ginger for sushi. Baby is cranky. Dad's the only one w/o nap. I should be allowed to be the cranky one #
- @mainpa I've heard of She Crab soup. Never heard of "male soup". What's in it? in reply to mainpa #
- @HeatherWelliver just watched some vid of u & ERF circa 15 mo ago. U trying to make her laugh. So awesome. in reply to HeatherWelliver #
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