Twitter Updates for 2010-12-03
by Paul Fischer- Audio Peeps, here's a huge plug-in bundle and savings galore #
- I have a free copy of @1Password to give away. First to DM me gets it. It's the Mac version. #
- Any Mac user's out there want a free copy of 1Password? DM me and it's yours. #
- The copy of 1Password has been claimed. #
- The winner of the free copy of 1Password is @DDog #
- And I have another copy of 1Password I can give away to the second respondent. I wonder if there's a cap on this. #
- @ladyozma 1Password is a password management program, but it's multi platform and multi-browser. It does smart phones too #
- @ladyozma It manages your passwords like Apple's Keychain or Firefox's stored passwords. But it can be sync'd between machines. #
- 1Password licensed users, like me, were given a Thanksgiving present to give to our friends. Free licenses. #
- This is brilliant! Jonathan Coulton's "Shop•Vac" in kinetic type: #
- Wow! The mac licenses of 1Password I can give away for free might be endless. Going nuts now. #
- @ladyozma Yes. And another for your smart phone, but then you could sync passwords between them. #
- @ladyozma It also does stuff like generate totally random passwords and store them for you. #
- @ladyozma Syncing to smartphones is done by WiFi. Syncing between machines uses a service like Dropbox. Dropbox is free for 1st 2 GB #
- @ladyozma That's one reason I like it so much. #
- I still have free licenses of 1Password for any Mac user who wants it. #
- I'm off to watch the tube. TTFN #
- All free 1Password licenses have been handed out. Good night and sleep tight. #
- @choochus @vividmuse @PhilippaJane @TeeMonster Gents lunch today? DFH Noon? #
- @danthefan If you want classy hooker boots, cruise a different street. 😉 #
- @TeeMonster Did you get the free copy of 1Password I sent you? #
- RT @countydurhamdc: Rights to the sun secured by Spanish woman! #
- @pcharing It's a password lockbox that syncs across multiple browsers and platforms. PC, Mac, smartphone #
- Security Warning! Compromised, Backdoor Distributed #
- @BadAstronomer How does the 3x stars news alter dark matter calculations? #
- Via @phiala, a better article about the discovery of partially-arsenic-based life: #
- @brandg I submit that we're not making mega stars anymore that last. The good ones going indie IMHO. #
- @clmerle Thanks for the info #
- @indianajim I think you want Batter Blaster for xmas. Or maybe this: #
- @brandg I don't know that "homogenizing" is the right word, but I love 1000's of artists being able to make a living, without mega corps #
- @indianajim exactly. No one cares about soccer. Now if we'd lost hosting a curling competition I'd be pissed. #
- RT @BoingBoing Tea Party Nation President proposes taking vote away from tenants #
- @indianajim If you have it, they will come to you for BBQ. It has a smoker & a rotisserie. They'll make an exception for you. #
- @JAHite Congrats on the new arrival. She's beautiful. #
- @brandg Correction. It makes it harder for artists to make a living. Marketing and others have it easier with just 1 star. #
- New time reporting guidelines are simple and make sense. #ILoveMyCompany #
- RT @hugoschwyzer Is glad that Sarah Palin will be able to watch the 2018 #worldcup from her house (via @avatarkoo) #
- @clmerle already do #
- @ravyn Not that I know of. That would be horrible. Still lots of #Balticon work to do. #
- @cmdln I'm so glad you started pronouncing Jim's name "Cook" like he does in his commercials. Dying to drink some of your beer #
- @cmdln If you watch his TV commercials he pronounces is Cook even thought it's spelled Koch #
- @pcharing Sorry. All done #
- @cmdln This is definitive #
- Why must the maids always knock loose my power cord from my laptop? I hate it when the fans spin up while charging. #1stWorldProblems #
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