Twitter Updates for 2011-02-12
by Paul Fischer- The signing of over 100 pages is complete. Stress is gone. Beer keeps the hand from cramping. #
- Wow! What a day. ERF just cried for about 30 minutes straight. Waiting for on-call to get back to us. Quiet now. Stressed out #
- @Qitou not sure if she's sick or cutting her 1st molar #
- Woke late with ERF staring at me. She's some sorts sick. Fever, but feeling ok otherwise. Ped's office cattle call this morning. More stress #
- @PauletteJaxton we're hoping it's just a molar coming in. Better safe. #
- @vividmuse thanks. We hope so too #
- @BrightEyedDyer thanks. I'll look it up. #
- @dsobkowiak thanks #
- @WryneckStudio I think you should claim every yeast beast as a dependent for tax purposes #
- Today's movie of my life: Dr. Cattle-call and the creeping crud of doom #
- For stress relief I eat or shop. Need to loose weight. Want to buy something awesome at 90% off. I'm so bizarre. #
- @WryneckStudio Hi! This is John & his 23 billion dependents. Have a beer! #
- RT @ljosalf: ERF has a painful frequent cough & fever. Told her Toodi saw the doctor when she was sick. E says I wanna go to the doctor. #
- Dad reading to kid needs acting lessons. Dr Seuess should never be monotone with no rhythm #
- Dr. Fail didn't actually call in ERF's prescription. Sitting in CVS waiting for the on-call to get back to me. Sent the girls for lunch. Grr #
- This day sucks #
- @BrightEyedDyer Doc Fail thinks its an ear infection #
- Today in WTF: Dr. Fail called in script and never called to let us know. M is getting it now. #
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