Twitter Updates for 2012-08-12
by Paul Fischer- @bug_girl New species found on Flickr! #
- From now on the official measurement unit for poo will be Mike Rowe grams @mikeroweworks #
- @mgcady that sounds awesome #
- Treadstones meet the Treadstones. They're the super spying family. #BourneAgain #
- I finally get a handle on summer and now here comes fall. #
- @BrightEyedDyer I'm finally ready to BBQ on the deck & everything & it's almost fall #
- @BrightEyedDyer me too. I love fall #
- @CWSeidman been there. Twitter will get you thru #
- @Evolutionistrue what country is the state of Orgon in? #typo #
- @TeeMonster I love that place. #
- @TeeMonster don't worry about the humidity breaking. It's NOLA. They'll fix it soon #
- @mightymur Tell them their car is being towed and the steal the table when they go out to check. #
- New Vid on Qik #
- Qik – maraccas by Paul Fischer #
- BSFS Writing Workshop: (Spread the word and direct folks to for more info) #
- New Vid on Qik #
- Just walked into the local Thai place alone. First question from waitress, "Separate checks?" #
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