Twitter Updates for 2012-09-14

by Paul Fischer
  • Finished The MVP by @scottsigler today. His best ever. Must have more! #
  • So spaketh E in all wisdom, "If you don't eat your vegetables you get bald head." #
  • From tonight's story, "she burped batter into the air and used her fire breath to cook the pancakes in mid-air" #
  • @DJRJSII @scottsigler WANT does not understand time. WANT is. #
  • Tonight's horror reading will be from, "E, The Thing That Wouldn't Go To Sleep!" @ljosalf = patients personified #
  • I just reviewed: 'The MVP (Galactic Football League)' by Scott Sigler via @amazon #
  • @BrightEyedDyer we own the board book version @ljosalf #
  • @BrightEyedDyer @ljosalf it's for us. Not for E #
  • Do not look into laser with remaining eye #
  • @crabwizard I'm so glad to hear Chris is all right. #

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