Twitter Updates for 2010-11-18

by Paul Fischer
  • RT @clmerle: Saw a homeless guy my age eating out of dumpster. Gave $5. FUCK YOU REPUBLICANS wanting to extend tax cuts for the rich. FU! #
  • @PauletteJaxton Sorry to hear it. Let us know if you need to be bailed out at the end of the day long drunken IT riot. #
  • @PauletteJaxton We know how you programmers get when they take your servers away. #PittifulAttemptAtHumor #
  • Mamma bit daddy's head off for cursing. Daddy knows better than to use the C-word. Mamma hates being called Cthulhuoid. #Twitfic #
  • Honey, we're retiring somewhere else in the world! #

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