Twitter Updates for 2011-05-08
by Paul Fischer- Finish this rhyme: Blood is red. Triangles are blue… #BloodIsRed @scottsigler #
- When the White House calls your babysitter on Friday night at 5pm you make peace with being late for the concert #
- Running iPhoto Deduplicator on 16,500 photos. This should save me countless hours. #
- I just bought @scottsigler 's #BloodIsRed short story collection on Amazon. #
- Ruined a quart of salsa. Discovered too late there was no screen on the Chipolte Pepper spice bottle. Sigh #
- @Qitou nope. I see it as a learning experience. #
- @ObiOrion no. But at $7.95 it's as close as makes no difference. #
- @cmdln any comments on that USB stick computer announced this week? #
- Mushrooms cooked in red wine & butter and sweet Italian sausage for lunch #
- Dear Mom, thx for having unprotected sex with dad. It was good for me was it for you? #
- @cmdln I know. I want to cluster them. Knights of the Rainbow Table here we come #
- Poor ERF has fever. Low key end to mom's day. Carry out from Bertucci's instead of dine in. #
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