Twitter Updates for 2011-05-12

by Paul Fischer
  • I think I caught ERF's plague. Tummy hurts. #
  • @doctorow Other World Computing in the US has great ones with extreme performance. I have one in my 27" iMac #
  • @ilektrojohn Please DM me when you have something ready. I'd love to test. #
  • @PauletteJaxton so the book covers aren't made of lawyer hide? No that that would be all bad. #
  • @archiemcphee is that sex young female or stinky old male guidance counselor smell? #
  • @Daughterpick does you baton shoot death beams? Do you want it to? #
  • @MistressJett what will you be using it for? #
  • @archiemcphee that's better than what mine smelled like. #
  • @MistressJett then I want in. DM me deets #

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