Twitter Updates for 2009-06-20

by Paul Fischer
  • @Biscuitus Somebody go back to camp and get a whole mess of dimes! in reply to Biscuitus #
  • I had tons of energy, until I opened my laptop. Baby wins again. I’m going up to read. Amazingly fun book. #
  • Good night all. Be safe or be ready to twitpic your adventures. #
  • Huge to do list today. Tax filings top all. Then writing and editing some audio. Slightly overwhelmed. @ljosalf and ERF will go visiting. #
  • Oh! Email. Must catch up. Too much to do. #
  • My first Father’s Day is beginning well. Pretty calm day, and maybe I’ll get some email responses out. I’m also Jailbreaking my iPhone 3G #
  • @hedron It’s my first one. I’m not sure how this is supposed to work. in reply to hedron #
  • Jailbreak to 3.0 was harrowing. As usually not all the info I needed was in a single post, but I got thru it on the second try. #
  • @pfischer I love my jail break applications. Specifically’s video streaming. I hope Apple lets them go legit. in reply to pfischer #
  • My hosting provider sometimes does too much for me. I’m about to loose an hour getting WordPress plugins updated. #

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