Twitter Updates for 2009-07-18
by Paul Fischer- @ARealGirl Bar keep I’ll take a shot of Malox with a Pepto and Tylenol chaser. Make it a double. in reply to ARealGirl #
- Lost power about an hour ago. Anyone else stuck in a @jchutchins plot? At least cell svc is up. #BlackoutVA #
- @mainpa See you when you recover from the #CarbComa in reply to mainpa #
- @VividMuse what class are you thinking of? in reply to VividMuse #
- @dsawyer headshot?!?! Are you OK? Oh, youean a picture. Been playing Quake an Unreal Tournament too long. in reply to dsawyer #
- @PauletteJaxton good morning. All is quiet here. Mostly due to lack of power. Awoke to fond youngest niece in spare bedroom. in reply to PauletteJaxton #
- Power restored. Watching calls 4 Cthulhu. #
- #Can’tMakeThisShitUp Company Denies its Robots Feed on the Dead #
- Getting ready for the drive to Philly #
- @hedron Is your new iPhone app available at the iTunes store yet? #iPhoneDev #
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