by Paul Fischer
@nlowell that was public. You prob want to delete. Asap # @BBluesman keep safe & get some good photos # @KRADeC who got the other 1300 words? #ShitMyMomSays # I just got my bday prez from ERF early. # Powered by Twitter Tools
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Comments Off on Twitter Updates for 2012-06-20
by Paul Fischer
@cmdln I'm doing a full on edit of the copyright panel to bring up the audience voices. I hope to have it done this week. # @cmdln Let me know if you want my edited version for your feed. # Powered by Twitter Tools
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Comments Off on Twitter Updates for 2012-06-18
by Paul Fischer
Happy Father's Day. May you get something you vaguely desire. Enjoy the day. # “@mental_floss: On this date in 1971, President Nixon declared a War on Drugs.” and we have had no drug prob since # Diner is wall to wall dads this morning. The wait is adding to my hunger # @Chelly527 we're at […]
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Comments Off on Twitter Updates for 2012-06-17
by Paul Fischer
@BruceLerner BACON! # Grumpy Paul is grumpy today # @MsInformation I thought I was the only one who liked Tusk # Watching other peoples kids in toddler gym show. My girl is a star. Other kids boring me # I need more coffee # @daniinnc thanks # Powered by Twitter Tools
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Comments Off on Twitter Updates for 2012-06-16
by Paul Fischer
Extremely disturbed night. Grumpy & late. Rage # @WryneckStudio @cmdln check out the recent 99% Invisible podcast ep on Trappist beer # Powered by Twitter Tools
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Comments Off on Twitter Updates for 2012-06-15
by Paul Fischer
Professor Elemental's new secret trailer: #SteamPunk # Powered by Twitter Tools
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Comments Off on Twitter Updates for 2012-06-14
by Paul Fischer
@longshotauthor authorbrains can not be permanently upgraded. But temp upgrade via coffee, tea, & red bull are available. # @PauletteJaxton go for a walk on the beach? Charter a fishing boat. Plan a bank heist. Join a protest. Take a long bath # @PauletteJaxton make a fake sign and pretend to protest something that isn't […]
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Comments Off on Twitter Updates for 2012-06-13
by Paul Fischer
@_S_A_R_A_H_ go visit Andy # How to keep a 3 yo amused on a long plane ride. #facepaint @ljosalf is a genius # @RichardDGNaylor no numbers. Bad idea. If you're not paying attention to a great work, you deserve to be lost in the plot. # Powered by Twitter Tools
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Comments Off on Twitter Updates for 2012-06-13
by Paul Fischer
@PauletteJaxton we are there in spirit. Let me know if we can help # @PauletteJaxton We are so sorry for your loss. If you need anything, let us know. # Today my dad is 80. My eldest sister is in the hospital. My daughter got to play with her cousin til she was falling down […]
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Comments Off on Twitter Updates for 2012-06-10
by Paul Fischer
@PauletteJaxton I wish we could be there. Even if it's only for moral support. # @pcharing what did you order? # @pcharing Sorry the timing screwed you over. You might get lucky. There's usually a 2-3 week grace period. @Scaleslea # @pcharing Keep an eye open for when those new machines hit the shelves. @Scaleslea […]
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Comments Off on Twitter Updates for 2012-06-08
by Paul Fischer
I wanted to see the transit of Venus. All I got was clouds. Now I'm looking at videos to see what I missed. Thanks Internets # Powered by Twitter Tools
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Comments Off on Twitter Updates for 2012-06-07
by Paul Fischer
I think all the Balticon stress is leaving me. Messing with my sleep schedule. Need to manage it better # @MsInformation the Internets are trying to make you fat. They will fail # @cthulhim burn clouds burn! If they clouds don't burn, there's always web streaming # @MsInformation sounds like your town has a little […]
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Comments Off on Twitter Updates for 2012-06-06
by Paul Fischer
Up early on not too much sleep. Pollen again, probably. # @HeatherWelliver Did you post a link alone or has your twitter account been hacked? # Powered by Twitter Tools
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Comments Off on Twitter Updates for 2012-06-04
by Paul Fischer
Fsckn sun woke me at 6. Body clock conspiracy keeping me up. Tired. Want more sleep. Time for shower # 40 min of dishes, pots, & pans. I can see my sink again. Coffee ready. Wimiz awake. I want breakfast!!!!! # @Nobilis Just look through the DNA for "First!" to verify you hypothesis. 🙂 # […]
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Comments Off on Twitter Updates for 2012-06-03
by Paul Fischer
@MistressJett It's made of people!!! No wait, that's Soylent Green # @Scaleslea @hatchingphoenix I have no objection # @ChristianPlante I always liked Garrak better # @WestWingReport I'm from NY. A METS fan all my life. It's news when they do anything right # @VividMuse all hail @mainpa # @ChristianPlante I always appreciated his double talk […]
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Comments Off on Twitter Updates for 2012-06-02
by Paul Fischer
@PhilippaJane when do the Martian versions of your books come out? # @paolobacigalupi: From the if-you-don't-like-reality-pretend-it-doesn't-exist: NC bans sea level rise predictions #WTF # Dessert blackmail: the only way to get ERF to eat dinner # Scott Walker: Explain Whether Or Not You Lied To Congress #signon # @MistressJett No soup for you! […]
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Comments Off on Twitter Updates for 2012-06-01
by Paul Fischer
@nlowell you know the way to my heart. You flirt. # @nlowell tasty # @nlowell takes my breath away # @thousandheads Done. Sure, Let's get on it now. # @thousandheads I've always wanted to rule the galaxy with an iron fist. Done. # Exhausted at SBUX waiting for the caffeine to kick in. Need some […]
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Comments Off on Twitter Updates for 2012-05-31
by Paul Fischer
@Cynical_Woman check this # @scifilaura I'm taking a kick starter break. It's fun but I'm fatigued by too many updates. # @EyeOfJackieChan "There is now a level zero". My daughter & I love that movie # @Cynical_Woman @nuchtchas zombie killing badge. Vampire hunter badge. Ghost hunter badge. #WereWeTalkingReality # @Cynical_Woman @nuchtchas maybe we need […]
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Comments Off on Twitter Updates for 2012-05-31
by Paul Fischer
Today is launch day for @TeeMonster & @PhilippaJane 's new book The Janus Affair. Buy it! # @Cynical_Woman @nuchtchas think STEAM not STEM science, technology, engineering, art, & math # @Cynical_Woman ages? # Powered by Twitter Tools
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Comments Off on Twitter Updates for 2012-05-30
by Paul Fischer
The philosopher kings: @cmdln & @WryneckStudio, brought beer to #Balticon # Sad Tee is sad # Another great #balticon is complete. Thank you to everyone who came out to make a great event that much better # @DJRJSII @spiritualtramp thank you too # @scifidiner you're welcome # @Mainframe me too. Got some great […]
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