Twitter Updates for 2012-04-23

by Paul Fischer
  • @spellwight got that stuff too. It made my daughter cry #
  • “@Daffynitions: Aromatherapy: walking into a bakery first thing in the morning.” or a brewery anytime of day #
  • New Vid on Qik #
  • @BrightEyedDyer it's better than cleaning the interior of a giant ass. 😉 #
  • @vg_ford what caliber do you use for house? #
  • @VividMuse soooo cute! @choochus is finally 'getting' potty training. 😉 #
  • @SpecyGeek I did know The Avengers shopped at Ikea. 😉 #
  • @vg_ford .38 .39 whatever it takes. Name the movie for extra credit. #
  • @choochus if you keep it up for 3 days @vividmuse will take you out for ice cream. #
  • @Mainframe @odin1eye why not a 0 party system? #
  • @odin1eye I the the DNC & RNC (private corps) need to be traded on the stock exchange. Force them to be more xparent #
  • @HeatherWelliver Ouch! Good thing C wasn't hurt. #
  • Wore "The Boot" all day today. Foot throbbing. But it hurts a lot less. Thanks to @HeatherWelliver for hosting us. #
  • @odin1eye @mainframe It can continue as is, there are parties with vested interest in keeping us divided #

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